[CarPlay] Is it possible to connect a physical device (iPhone) to a CarPlay simulator?

I want to connect a physical device (iPhone) and a simulator for CarPlay to simulate an app (ex: PlugShare App) installed on a physical device, but I would like to know if that is feasible.

★ Thing I want to do:

I want take a screenshot for PlugShare App (CarPlay side).

Screenshot like below...


★ References:

https://developer.apple.com/carplay/documentation/CarPlay-App-Programming-Guide.pdf -> P13

https://developer.apple.com/documentation/carplay/using_the_carplay_simulator See [Open the CarPlay Simulator]

★ environment:

Xcode: 13.3.1

physical device (iPhone): iPhone 13 Pro OS 15.4

macOS: 12.3.1 (Monterey)

Accepted Reply

You can connect a physical device to the CarPlay Simulator app, available on the developer site under Additional Tools.


You can connect a physical device to the CarPlay Simulator app, available on the developer site under Additional Tools.

To: Frameworks Engineer

Thank you very much. I was able to launch the Beta version of CarPlay Simulator and the problem was solved.

I am very grateful to you.

Hello When I open CarPlay Simulator and connect the phone, it gives the following error: Accessory is not Supported. XCode 13.4 and Additional Tools for XCode 13.4 Mac Mini MacOS 12.4 with iPhone 13 Pro iOS 15.5 Does anyone have a solution?

  • How do you connect your iPhone to your Mac. There are some difficulties with mixing wifi and usb and network sharing.

  • I am also getting "Accessory is not Supported". I tried different iPhones (8, XS Max, 5S), cables (USB A and USB C), rebooted all devices. No luck.

  • Same with me, was anyone able to solve this problem ?

To: enjoohosein

"CarPlay-App-Programming-Guide.pdf" has been updated to "June 7, 2022".

https://developer.apple.com/carplay/documentation/CarPlay-App-Programming-Guide.pdf P15 (Page 14 of 53)

Doesn't it work even if I follow the procedure of "CarPlay Simulator"?