I'm trying to access this element of the HourWeather retrieved from a call to weatherService. When I print in the debugger what is received, it's clear that there is an element there called precipitationAmount. Here is an example of everything retrieved in HourWeather for a particular hour:
HourWeather(date: 2022-06-12 22:00:00 +0000, cloudCover: 0.46, condition: Breezy, symbolName: "wind", dewPoint: 9.12 °C, humidity: 0.71, isDaylight: true, precipitation: rain, precipitationChance: 0.23, precipitationAmount: 0.21 mm, snowfallAmount: 0.0 mm, pressure: 997.65 mbar, pressureTrend: Rising, temperature: 14.34 °C, apparentTemperature: 13.74 °C, uvIndex: WeatherKit.UVIndex(value: 1, category: Low), visibility: 25915.82 m, wind: WeatherKit.Wind(compassDirection: Northwest, direction: 304.0 °, speed: 29.47 km/h, gust: Optional(41.56 km/h)))
But when I try to access that element as part of a SwiftUI view in Xcode (14.0 beta), I get this error:
Value of type 'HourWeather' has no member 'precipitationAmount'
Furthermore, that element is not listed as part of the documentation at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/weatherkit/hourweather, which is presumably the reason for the Xcode error.
But it's there in what is retrieved, so how can I access it?
Forgive me if this is a noob question - I'm not an expert SwiftUI programmer.
Thanks ... Neil