APNS not sending push notificatoin where expiration is specified and device isn't online

I have a apns request where i specify expiration of 5 min. When the notification is raised device isn't online, and after getting device online after 2 min, i still don't get a notification. Ideally if i do get the device online after 5 min and not receive notification that's expected. If i remove the expiration all together and then do same steps as above, i always receive the notification. Here's a curl request i am making:

curl -v -d '{"aps":{"alert":{"title":"Device Status","body":"some body"}, "badge":0}}' -H "apns-topic: com.app.app" -H "apns-priority:10" -H "apns-expiration:300" -H "authorization: bearer Token" --http2 https://api.development.push.apple.com/3/device/deviceId

Any suggestion why this is happening when expiration is specified and any work around for achieving this

Accepted Reply

apns-expiration:300 means the notification expires at 5 minutes past midnight on 1/1/1970 UTC

The value you need to use is the Unix Time in seconds for when you want the notification to expire.


apns-expiration:300 means the notification expires at 5 minutes past midnight on 1/1/1970 UTC

The value you need to use is the Unix Time in seconds for when you want the notification to expire.