precipitationAmount inaccurate in hour forecast in Canada

I've been getting at the precipitationAmount data using this hack from another thread.

I've often found that the precip amount is 0mm for every hour of the day. Every entry for today has the same precipAmount of 0mm:

HourWeather(date: 2022-06-27 22:00:00 +0000, cloudCover: 0.15, condition: Mostly Clear, symbolName: "sun.max", dewPoint: 12.43 °C, humidity: 0.78, isDaylight: true, precipitation: , precipitationChance: 0.0, precipitationAmount: 0.0 mm

However the iOS 16 beta 2 weather app is showing precip data for today at the same location.

Is the iOS 16 Weather App using the same WeatherKit as I am? I'm finding the data in weatherkit to be pretty different than the data in the weather app.

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