SecItem attributes for keys

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I can never remember which key attributes perform which function, so I’ve created a summary and I’m posting it here for the benefit of Future Quinn™ (and possibly others :-).

  • kSecAttrLabel ('labl')

    • CFString

    • Is not a component of key uniqueness

    • kSecKeyPrintName (1) in the legacy keychain on macOS

    • This is the user-visible description of the key; this is not particularly useful on iOS but super handy on macOS because it shows up in the Name column in Keychain Access

  • kSecAttrApplicationLabel ('klbl')

    • CFData (but may be a CFString containing a UUID)

    • Is a component of key uniqueness

    • kSecKeyLabel (6) in the legacy keychain on macOS

    • Not user visible

    • For asymmetric keys this holds the public key hash which allows digital identity formation (to form a digital identity, this value must match the kSecAttrPublicKeyHash ('pkhh') attribute of the certificate)

  • kSecAttrApplicationTag ('atag')

    • CFData

    • Is a component of key uniqueness

    • kSecKeyApplicationTag (7) in the legacy keychain on macOS

    • On macOS, this shows up in the Comments field in the info window in Keychain Access (accessed via File > Get Info)

    • The content of this is entirely up to the app

In the context of kSecAttrApplicationLabel, the public key hash is a SHA-1 digest of the bytes in the subjectPublicKey element of the SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure within the certificate (see Section 4.1 of RFC 5280). For example, with this key:

Code Block
$ dumpasn1 -p key.asn1
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7)
04 07 88 9B 18 EF 92 93 6C B1 04 7F F3 81 A4 31
0A 08 1A CE 9D E7 13 B4 B9 5A E9 04 0C 10 A2 02
C0 0D 78 71 01 21 EE 57 C4 40 C3 86 AE 05 25 F3
31 96 49 C9 28 31 10 A8 B9 0A 57 E1 E3 36 2C 3D

the digest covers the bytes 04 07 88 9B … 36 2C 3D F7.

Note dumpasn1 is a third-party tool for inspecting ASN.1 files. Download its source code from

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

  • 17 Jan 2017 — First posted.

  • 13 Mar 2019 — Added a note about the public key hash. Made minor editorial changes.

  • 18 Mar 2019 — Added a download link for dumpasn1. Made minor typographical changes.

  • 1 Apr 2021 — Fixed the formatting.

SecItem attributes for keys