Use a device without paying?

I'm very new to learning xcode and swift (actually just started yesterday). I see that it's possible to attach a device to your developer account so that you can test your product on an actual phone instead of a simulator. Is it possible to do this without paying to be a developer? I'm just tinkering around and trying to learn, I don't think it's worth the extra expense at this point.


Answered by KMT in 206210022


-- edit to update for latest Xcode --

See this thread [how i can have free Developer Program ] with an already moderated link that explains Xcode's free provisioning process (with screenshots), and - be sure to read all the way thru it and any updates at the bottom. Good luck.

Accepted Answer


-- edit to update for latest Xcode --

See this thread [how i can have free Developer Program ] with an already moderated link that explains Xcode's free provisioning process (with screenshots), and - be sure to read all the way thru it and any updates at the bottom. Good luck.

Use a device without paying?