iOS 16 beta 3 Developer Mode

Under the iOS 16 beta 3 system, the developer mode is turned on. After restarting the phone, the developer mode is still restored to not turned on. When I run the project in Xcode 14 beta 3, it always prompts to enable developer mode. How can I debug it on a real machine?


Same here for iPadOS


Turning on Developer Mode requires you to physically connect your device to a machine running Xcode. With a project open in Xcode 14 Beta 3, connect your phone and then navigate to Settings -> Privacy & Security, Developer Mode should appear now. If you've had that settings pane open before you connected your device, you may have to navigate back to Settings, and then go into Privacy & Security again.

  • Thanks! Just tried to turn on the developer mode in iOS 16 beta 3 again, and finally it can be turned on normally. When the upgrade was just released, it was not successful. Is there a dynamic update later?

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