'MusicLibraryRequest' is unavailable in Mac Catalyst


I'm trying out some of the new MusicKit functionality using Xcode 14 beta 3 and macOS 13 beta 3 and I'm getting the above error (or similar) whenever I use any of the new classes with a Mac Catalyst destination (an iOS 16 destination works fine).

I'm guessing one of my build settings is incorrect on either my project or target, but it's not obvious. So far I've set:

  • Project / IOS Deployment Target = 16.0
  • Target / Minimum Deployments / iOS = 16.0

Could someone please tell me what I'm missing?

Thanks in advance!


I've just noticed the detail text for the error is: "Conformance of 'Playlist' to 'MusicLibraryRequestable' has been explicitly marked unavailable here (MusicKit.Playlist)"

Is the new MusicKit functionality not yet working on Catalyst? Surely we can't have reached Beta 3 without this working?!

Am going to answer my own question here for when others hit the same issue: according to both the documentation and my direct experience, these new MusicLibrary calls are NOT supported on macOS Ventura, either natively or via Catalyst.

They are only supported on iOS-derived platforms.

I find it deeply concerning that new APIs are being introduced which aren’t available on Catalyst in particular. It calls into question Apple’s commitment to the platform - I’m surprised this hasn’t received more publicity.