Status Code 40015 Error Occurred in Apple Music API "add_a_resource_to_a_library"

When using the Apple Music API add_a_resource_to_a_library with Musickit JS, the following status code 40015 error occurred.

{"errors":[{"id":"26-digit-ID","title":"Insufficient Privileges","detail":"User's subscription tier does not have access to privilege: ListeningHistory","status":"400","code":"40015","messageForDisplay":"Insufficient Privileges"}]}

This error is not listed in the Response Codes in the API documentation for this endpoint.

(1) Are there any details about the cause of this error or other details described anywhere in the API documentation?

(2) Are there any other errors that may occur besides this error that are not listed in the documentation for this endpoint?

Status Code 40015 Error Occurred in Apple Music API "add_a_resource_to_a_library"