push notification problem


I have a problem with push notifications.

When I install my application from xcode, I get the notifications.

But when I install my app from the app store, the notifications are not received.

They are however sent by my server.

Has anyone ever had this problem?

thank you very much

OK thanks! I'm going to try

I created a new Production certificate (Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production))

and updated my app on appstore. I waited for the validation (8 days ...) but unfortunatly the problem still here.

The error is "Notification error: APN invalid token" when i install the app from App Store, but works fine when I install from xcode.

It's surely a certificate problem but I do not understand very well.

In Build settings/code signing Identity, i put :

Debug->Ios distribution

Any ios SDK->Ios developer

Release->Ios distribution

Any ios SDK->Ios developer

Is that correct?

Thanks for help!

Try re-downloading your push production certificate and exporting it again. The APN invalid token is indicative of an incorrect certificate.

Hopefully this thread helps: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22568648/ios-production-push-notifications-invalid-token-from-apns-server


I found the problem.

My provider blocked sending notifications for ssl: //gateway.push.apple.com: 2195

That's why I had 110 connection time out.

Thank you for your help!

I uploaded a app to app store in which i activated push notification for that i created production SSL certification and Push Notification is enabled both in developer and distributor in app id.

In Build settings/code signing Identity, i put :

Debug->Ios distribution

Any ios SDK->Ios distribution

Release->Ios distribution

Any ios SDK->Ios distribution

I selected Provisioning profile that i creaded for app id in Provisoning Profile.

But still Notification is not received on app.

Can anyone help me on this?

push notification problem