No grace_period_expires_date fields in Pending Renewal Info

We have enabled Billing Grace Period in one of our subscription apps. It has been almost a month since we have enabled the feature but we are still not seeing any users in Billing Retry State with grace_period_expires_date fields in the Pending Renewal Info.

How long after enabling this feature in App Store Connect should we begin to see users in Billing Retry state with grace period information?



There should be minimal delay between you enabling grace periods for your app and it applying to customers who newly experience billing failures. If you haven't already, check out these articles to ensure you understand grace period and how to enable it for your app:

If you've enabled grace periods and you see receipts with is_in_billing_retry_period="1" but no grace_period_expires_date field, that could indicate an issue, as you should see both. If that's the case, please file a Feedback Ticket and post the FB number here so we can help investigate. Include as much information in the ticket as you can, such as the app identifier, subscription product, and most importantly the erroneous receipt with the missing grace_period_expires_date.

I'm seeing a similar issue testing grace period in sandbox. Filed a feedback ticket here:

  • Hi PostChris was this resolved on sandbox for you could you share what was the issue

  • @hamzabyjus Hasn't been fixed yet! I also submitted a TSI and I'm still waiting for a response.

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I'm also seeing a similar issue testing grace period in sandbox.

Also seeing the same issue testing grace period in sandbox.

Probably doing a necrobump but turns out I'm facing this now (was working before):

Feedback ticket: FB13673919 (Grace period not recognized for the app) URL:

If anyones knows what is happening im interested. Thank you

also seeing the same issue testing grace period in sandbox. I don't know why FB13694803 (Enable Billing Grace Period for sandbox)

  • I added file for issue FB13694803 (Enable Billing Grace Period for sandbox)

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