WatchOS9 WKUserNotificationInterfaceController sashColor

Hello I'm developing watch app i tried to customize long look notification view but encounter some problem. When i configure sashColor of WKUserNotificationInterfaceController in WatchOS9. it seems not effect color of sash and looks system default translucent color. But custom sash color of long look notification looks well under WatchOS9 I couldn't find any document or comment about sashColor property is deprecated on WatchOS9. Please give me a advice


I have the same issue. When I am trying to change the sashColor of WKUserNotificationInterfaceController in WatchOS 9.0 by overriding the sashColor property of the controller, it seems that this does not work for WatchOS 9, but this still works on WatchOS (< 9.0). Also, I made some research and can not find a way how to change the background colour of the content area of the long-look notification view? It seems that there is no backgroundColor (or related...) property to be overridden in the WKUserNotificationInterfaceController. Do you have any solutions or advices? Thanks in advance!

Hello oistanchev! Thanks for your reply In case of backgroundColor of NotificaitonView I reccomend to use custom SwiftUI View with WKUserNotificationHostingController than WKUserNotificationInterfaceController. I hope this can solve your problem!

WatchOS9 WKUserNotificationInterfaceController sashColor