SKProductsRequest returning 0 products when reviewed by App Store Connect

My app keeps getting rejected because of Guideline 2.1 -Performance - App Completeness.

"We found that your in-app purchase products exhibited one or more bugs when reviewed on iPad running iOS 15.6.1 on Wi-Fi.

Specifically, your app still did not produce further action when we tapped on the “Buy” feature.

We are unable to provide further information regarding our review environment."

I found that this was caused by SKProductsRequest returning 0 products and returns the productIdentifiers as invalidProductIdentifers. I have tested the IAPs on multiple devices and simulators running different iOS versions and they all work perfectly.

I replied to App Review with a screen recording of the IAPs working on an iPhone running iOS 15.6.1 and they replied with:

"While we appreciate that your app is intended primarily for use on iPhone, in order to bring your app into compliance with App Store guidelines, all apps designed for use on iPhone must still be formatted correctly and behave properly when running on iPad."

I am not sure what the problem seems to be here.

  • Did you manage to find a solution for this one? I am getting the exact same rejection for my app. I think it is the IAP that are not yet being reviewed and so they are not available in prod environment (while testing)

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I replied to app review saying that the problem may just be on their side and they tested the IAPs with a different Apple ID. It worked and my app got approved so I think that the problem was on their side since I didn't change anything.


I'm in the same situation.The old IAP exists, but the new IAP is not found in the review. It's still unresolved. The most recent change was to change the Mac to M1 and migrate the signatures. I'll check the area for now, but it probably doesn't matter.

  • I passed the review by removing the missing add-ons from the target version.It would be wise to add it next time.

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I replied to app review saying that the problem may just be on their side and they tested the IAPs with a different Apple ID. It worked and my app got approved so I think that the problem was on their side since I didn't change anything.

Interesting. This is currently happening to me: it works perfectly in development against the sandbox and when using TestFlight but consistently fails in review. I raised a TSI for it and was told the same as you, that SKProductsRequest was returning no products. A bug was raised for the App Store Server engineers to investigate, but the problem is still present a week later. Unfortunately App Review appear to be ignoring anything I put in the review notes or send to them via the submission messaging system. I'm literally at the point of abandoning the IAP and going for a paid app because there doesn't seem to be any other way out.

To reply to my own post: the problem I was experiencing was resolved in much the same way as for josessolmaximo: I explained that I thought there might be a problem on AppReview's side since the IAP process worked perfectly against the sandbox, and I quoted this thread. App Review then asked me to provide a video demonstrating the full IAP process running against the sandbox on the latest version of iOS/iPadOS. After receiving the video the app was taken back into review and subsequently approved.