Xcode 14 project compile error ... com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler is not absolute

I am using a static linked c library in my project. There was no error in Xcode 13 but I am starting to get error below after upgraded to Xcode 14.

This error doesn't seem to stop build from completing successfully.

Dependency for P1:target-SwiftSMB-f940fa9bfd7461b6bfd7a1821b88923283a44e681aeb1f425a9cef51a7a8aacb-:Debug:SwiftDriver Compilation Requirements SwiftSMB normal x86_64 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler is not absolute (libsmb2/include/smb2/smb2.h).


Showing All Errors Only Command SwiftDriver Compilation Requirements emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure

I have the same problem, have you resolved it?

I come across the same issue, have you found a solution

I have the same problem, have you resolved it?

Having the same issue

The same issue

Same issue with external framework not under our control

same here.

same here

Defect #61104 raised but I am still not able to work around the issue at the moment.

Same issue using Xcode 14.0 (14A309). This isn't blocking build or even archive within Xcode IDE, but fails xcodebuild archive from the command line.


The .xcarchive file is produced by xcodebuild but the non-zero error code is breaking my automated build script.

I solved it on my end by removing "Mac (Designed for iPad)", build (it will fail), add it again. Go to General tab, under Supported Destinations. Hope it helps

So I don't know if this will help anyone else but I was able to fix this in my project as follows -

  1. Remove the reference to the frameworks.
  2. If your frameworks are in a folder, get them out of the folder and into the same folder that contains your project file.
  3. Deleted derived data content.
  4. Re-add your frameworks.

That fixed it. I don't understand why that would fix it beyond a toolchain bug affecting upgraded projects.

All Of Your Branches Fail With The Same Message? I Had This Error But Was Caused Because Of A Bad Commit, Some Files Weren't Pushed Properly.

I finally got rid of the error messages by changing my modulemap file from "extern_c" to "system"

module ABC [system] {

We had the same issue, maybe the following things you can try to fix it:

  1. By adding --versbose at the end of the fastlane command, there are more details, you might be able to find something useful.
  2. Check the gym log, in our case, it is the gym log shows the right direction to fix this issue.

Our issue contains two parts:

  1. It complains that the target contains macOs which is not included in the distribution file, so by removing the macOs from the General tab can fix this error
  2. Some of the Pods don't have developer team selected, which is new on XCode 14, I think this might be some kind of bug in the new XCode. But the fix is also easy, this post is very helpful. (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72561696/xcode-14-needs-selected-development-team-for-pod-bundles/72600584#72600584)

After fixing the above two errors, my build is working fine. Hope the solution helps.

In our case it was invalid HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS.

we had HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = … /**

while we should have HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = … /include

the following steps may help you

(1)remove all “user header search path “ values  (2) clean DerivedData  (3) exit XCode then Restart XCode  (4) Restart computer  (5) restart project 

I had that issue in a legacy project when macOS was added as a run destination, I think as a side effect of an Xcode update .

Removing macOs from the supported destinations in the General tab of my target fixed it for me.

Xcode 14 project compile error ... com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler is not absolute