IOS 16 UI Lag and Ghost Touch

Please is there any fix or workaround to this? After updating to iOS 16 these problems started to happen on my iPhone XR. I can't use the phone and need it ASAP!

It was working perfectly before the update.

Same thing happening to me

i got same problem in my iphone x

Workaround: Settings > Touch > Accessibility > Touch Accommodation (Turn on Touch Accommodation) > Scroll down and Select “Initial Touch Location” >> Scroll down >> Swipe Gestures (Turn on Swipe Gestures) >> Select “Standard”.

However, even by doing this, it still affects the multi finger function and unable to do activities that requires it. (MOBA/FPS games, Garage band, etc..)

Hey, same problem over here had latest iOS 15. Was thinking why not update? It worked fine before the update IPhone Xr and had to try the new features. What ever

Tried to reboot it, even factory store, restart and let it have a rest and so on. But still the screen is delayed after touching feels like a ghost has taken over. Has a lot of storage left so it can’t be that’s it’s over used of space

None of the solution above worked Hopes Apple fix this bug regretting updating and have been getting support hopefully they maybe help me solve it.

Yeah me too, 3 days a go i updated to ios 16.0 but my phone got Ghost Touch and Lagging. That makes me spend so much time for restore

has anyone managed to solve?

i have iPhone XR max and it’s clicking things on its own after the update as well. It’s annoying especially when you’re watching YouTube and it spams the skip ahead button. Anyway apple this seems to be a problem with the iPhone XS series so please look into this and fix it

Same problem

I am facing the same problem on my iphone Xs ever since the IOS 16 update. I even tried factory data reset but nothing seems to be working. Its barely usable. the way i was able to reset my phone by using two fingers at once for this ghost touch issue. Im just hoping that IOS 16.1 will fix the issue.

Still happening in 16.0.2, and now we can't roll back to iOS 15 because apple have decided to stop signing 15.6, so now I have a pretty stone in my pocket. Cheers, I hope you enjoy the support nightmare.

I updated the phone today my iPhone XR and the problem is still there is worst even with touch assist.

I am facing the problems (gost touch and also upper part of screen touch isn’t working) on my iPhone 12 pro ever since the IOS 16 update. Its barely usable. 16.0.2 doesn’t help me either. Regretting that I updated 😞

After updating to IOS 16.0.2 my “app switcher bar” hardly works and sometimes the screen doesn’t work except assistive touch on my iphone XS

Same here, iPhone XS Max, aftermarket screen with iOS 16, restored to 15.7, scared update now.

My 12 pro max is almost useless. I practically have to dictate with a mic just to type anything on my phone. Hopefully the issue will be fixed soon. It takes twice as long to type or dictate a message, email or open/close app.

My XS still useless... Ghost Touch since IOS 16............................

i have iphone x and since i have updated the phone to ios 16 and then ios 16.02 and i could not use the phone at all due to the problems in touch screen and the ghost touch that prohibited me to conduct any activity on the phone and even it sends emails and call people instead of me ! now i moved to an old iphone model with an old ios model till you get this problem fixed appreciate your prompt support

I'm having exactly the same problems on my 11 pro, its got much worse since I updated to 16.0.2 I can hardly use it anymore.

I have the same issue on iPhone XR. Can confirm IOS 16.1 beta 4 does not address this issue whatsoever.

Woke up to this issue this morning. Phone started acting up last night with Airpods not connecting correctly and volume button taps not being recognised. Now the entire device is laggy even after multiple restarts. Most tap/swipe events don't register for several seconds and when they do the animations are choppy. Phone is heating up and draining battery like crazy yet nothing is really reported in the battery section of the Settings app.

I had the same issue as many of you… non-apple replacement screen … updated iPhone X A1865 to ios 16.0.2 and when I woke up I couldn’t unlock my phone swipe would not work and touch accommodations wasn’t the fix. you can either buy a genuine apple OLED screen or disconnect the screen ribbon cables from the logic board and the battery cable. Plug in the two screen cables then the battery and that’s it. Very important that the battery is plugged in last I don’t have one so I couldn’t try but there’s a device that’s supposed to calibrate your phone to your screen but most of us don’t have these.

started with this issue a week ago. iPhone XS 256gb with iOS 16.0.2 The iPhone is fully original, never had to replace anything.

I can’t believe this issue hasn’t been solved, my phone has become useless at times.

IOS 16.1 Public Beta 5 fixes this issue for me

This is ridiculous. I have the same problem on iphone 11. Lag error when typing in all apps. Apple fix it fast because it is impossible to use the device.

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.

IOS 16 UI Lag and Ghost Touch