How can I show translucent 3D Model which have been loaded from a file path similar to AR Quick Look?

I have a use case of showing translucent 3D Model in my AR app unless the plane gets detected. I am using ARKit and RealityKit. This experience already exists in AR Quick Look as shown in the below image.

Any idea how can it be done?  I don't see any opacity api in ModelEntity I am loading the model using below code:

ModelEntity.loadModelAsync(contentsOf: fileURL).sink(
            receiveCompletion: {
                [weak self] completion in
                if case let .failure(error) = completion {
                    print("Unable to load a model due to error \(error)")
                self?.cancellableLoadRequest = nil
            receiveValue: {
                [weak self] modelEntity in
                self?.arView?.addModelEntity(newModelEntity: modelEntity)