CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12884

I have an AVPlayerViewController in my app playing video and my largest source of errors is NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1008. The underlying error they provide is Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12884 "(null)". I couldn't find what the error implies or is caused by - also does not have a reference to it.

Same here -12884, please Apple AVFoundation team, would it be possible to provide the root cause as well as for

Coremedia -12889 Coremedia -12318 Coremedia -16830 Coremedia -16839 Coremedia -16849

Many thanks

Hello. I am having the same problem with the same symptoms with an application I am releasing. Does anyone know the cause or solution?

The situation is as follows. It occurs when I try to play a FairPlay video.

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1008 "See -[AVPlayerItem errorLog] for 2 events" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=See -[AVPlayerItem errorLog] for 2 events, NSLocalizedDescription=リソースは利用できません, NSUnderlyingError=0x303fe8630 {Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12884 "(null)"}}

This error does not occur for all users, only for some.

The device used by the user that is experiencing this is an iPhone 16 Pro (18.2.1).

The error seems to occur before accessing the license server.

Thank you in advance for your support!

CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12884