Electron app crash on open in Test flight

Hello guys, I have an Electron app build with electron forge (v6.0.4). I was able to pass the verification via Transporter and able to install it from TestFilght. but the app was not able to run.

I have tried to run the app from Terminal, I got the following error message:

FATAL:mach_port_rendezvous.cc(142)] Check failed: kr == KERN_SUCCESS. bootstrap_check_in com.xxxx.yyyyy.MachPortRendezvousServer.39844: Permission denied (1100)

Then I looked into the system logs, I found:

2022-12-17 22:03:10.473560 (gui/501 [100006]) : denied lookup: name = com.apple.CoreLocation.agent, flags = 0x1, requestor = AppName[39844], error = 159: Sandbox restriction

2022-12-17 22:03:10.473654 (system) : denied lookup: name = com.apple.locationd.desktop.registration, flags = 0x8, requestor = AppName[39844], error = 159: Sandbox restriction

2022-12-17 22:03:10.482191 (system) : failed lookup: name = com.epsecurity.bdconnectorservice, requestor = BDCoreIssues[162], error = 3: No such process

2022-12-17 22:03:10.537167 (gui/501/com.apple.xpc.launchd.unmanaged.AppName.39844 [39844]) : added unmanaged active

2022-12-17 22:03:10.537647 (gui/501 [100006]) : failed activation: name = com.xxxx.yyyy.MachPortRendezvousServer.39844, flags = 0x1, requestor = AppName[39844], error = 1: Operation not permitted

I have tried with/without com.apple.security.personal-information.location in my entitlements file, but looks like no difference.

I have spent many days on it, anyone can help?

seeing exactly same error, have you found any solutions to this yet ?

@SongShu_ @taotao92

I am also trying to submit my first Electron App, It's getting successfully code signed and uploaded via Transporter but after that I am getting status like. "Not available for Testing" in TestFlight, you can check attached screenshot, Any idea how can this resolved?

Electron app crash on open in Test flight