Is it possible to scan BLE device regularly every 15 mins in background mode?

I am developing an application to scan the BLE devices and its working fine in foreground mode.

But it's needed to work in background mode as well. Now I made the scheduled work and its only fired one time. I need to fire continuously every 15mins and scan the devices.

How can I implement this feature? Will be any source link or reference documents?



Yes, it is possible to scan for BLE devices every 15 minutes in background mode on iOS platforms On iOS, when the app is in the background, it is restricted to perform BLE scanning for a maximum of 5 seconds in every 15 minutes. This means that you can schedule BLE scanning to occur once every 15 minutes, but the scanning window will be limited to 5 seconds each time. This is due to the restrictions imposed by iOS on background processing for power saving purposes. Additionally, iOS requires the use of Core Bluetooth background execution modes and the implementation of the CBCentralManagerDelegate protocol for background BLE scanning.