USB serial port not showing up after Monterey OS upgrade

Past 8-9 months we've been working on Arduino/ ESP32 with no issues, but after upgrading the OS the port stopped showing up under /dev/tty.cuserial. We tried to install the driver from Silicon Labs CP210x VCP Driver for MacOS(installed w/ no issues) but in the system information, we are seeing the S/w is sitting under disabled S/w list com.silabs.driver.CP210xVCPDriver: unknown. How can we fix this and get it out of disabled S/w?

can anyone help me?


boot in Recovery Mode. When there, in the menus choose Utilities -> Terminal

csrutil disable

Login back to your user account 

Open terminal (you would be in root/administrator, so be careful!)

sudo su - root

cd /Volumes/[start up disk]/usr/bin

./sqlite3 /Volumes/[start up disk]/var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/KextPolicy

Again you should have an sqlite> prompt.

select * from kext_policy ;

and confirm you have the same information as before. To delete an item if it has a Team_ID:

delete from kext_policy where Team_ID = 'X123456789' ; DELETE FROM kext_load_history_v3 WHERE team_id = 'X123456789' ;

Repeat the select command to confirm it's gone.

If there is no Team_ID, for example, the "wacom" item in your list:

delete from kext_policy where Bundle_ID like '%wacom%' ;

Then .quit to get out of sqlite3, reboot and your system report disabled software should be clean of those items you deleted from the database.


boot in Recovery Mode. When there, in the menus choose Utilities -> Terminal

csrutil enable

Login back to your user account, you would now see the entries from disabled software is gone from system info and you can see the serial port Again once you plug your ESP.

USB serial port not showing up after Monterey OS upgrade