Suspicious System Diagnosis

Located this in my system diagnosis files. Could someone please shed some light as to what this may pertain to? Any and all responses are greatly appreciated

™ˆwf☻ ☺ ☻ äÈ☺ p► Ð ☻ :+ CFBundleVersion xpc v16@?0@"NSObject<OS_xpc_object>"8 v8@?0 killer killer-waiter v12@?0i8 B32@?0@"PKDPlugInHold"8Q16^B24 Usage: pkd [-S servicename] [-v] d:S:v plugin keyboard playground-devtools AudioComponents type ausp silent-nse RequestsOpenAccess DT . CFBundleIdentifier this plug-in has no sandbox data container. Maybe run 'mobile_install rebuild system user' to register your plugin with LS? this plug-in has no sandbox data container. /System/ /AppleInternal/Library/Frameworks/ plug-ins outside containing apps must be in /System or /AppleInternal/Library/Frameworks. Maybe run 'mobile_install rebuild system user' to register the app containing your plugin with LS? plug-ins outside containing apps must be in /System. ENTITLEMENT: %@ ? ?UT-CONFORMS: ?UT-IS: <> <= >= = < > invalid host restriction entitlement the host's plug-in entitlement does not allow this plug-in the host does not have the "%@" entitlement HOME CFFIXED_USER_HOME tmp TMPDIR _SandboxContainer PKTEST_SDK XPCService EnvironmentVariables _SandboxProfile _OmitSandboxParameters error setting persona for launch of plugin %@(%@) PersonaEnterprise Platform _MultipleInstances is is not ServiceType System persona specified but disallowed for system extension %@(%@) XPC! CFBundlePackageType Managed RunningBoard be not be cannot obtain executable path for plug-in %@(%@) ("%@") ", " -AppleLanguages ProgramArguments Launching extension %@(%@) for host %d RBSLaunchRequest error trying to launch plugin %@(%@): %@ unable to enable plug-in %@(%@) I <PKDPlugIn: %p; core = %@, fileID = %@, launchFileID = %@> unsupported protocol version %d (current %d) invalid request format (missing type) unrecognized request invalid request format absolute path required: %s B24@?0Q8@"NSObject<OS_xpc_object>"16 B20@?0@"NSString"8B16 caller lacks entitlement for this operation invalid plugin path: %@ unable to register plug-in at %@ no plugin at %@ invalid request format (uuid) invalid request (bad uuid array) invalid request (uuid allocation failure) no such plugin (uuid not found) invalid request (multi-instance uuid allocation failure) Transmission of environment variables requires the %@ host entitlement Overriding default sandbox requires the %@ host entitlement access to plugin %@ denied: the plug-in is on hold access to plugin %@ denied: %@ B24@?0@"PKDPlugIn"8@"NSUUID"16 v32@?0@"PKDPlugIn"8Q16^B24 cannot create file extension to %@: %d invalid request format (bad annotations dictionary) invalid request format (annotation election) invalid request format (annotation extension) annotations values must be dictionaries invalid plug-in UUID value no plug-in with the requested uuid could not get uuid bytes request missing extension point name request contained invalid platforms array plugins are busy caller is not a known plug-in no containing App for receipt unable to locate receipt location could not load receipt data from file Cannot locate PlugIn missing UUID in request invalid request format (bad rules dictionary) exiting due to client request unauthorized discovery flag (PKDiscoverAll) B8@?0 v32@?0@"NSUUID"8@"PKDPlugIn"16^B24 q v16@?0@"NSNotification"8 negative B24@?0@"NSString"8@"NSDictionary"16 PKDatabase.m containingBundle is not an application LaunchServices failed to register the plugin LaunchServices failed to deregister the plugin -[PKDatabase pluginsWillUninstall:] found database version %d needed version %d i S Annotations unable to locate user directory: errno %d /var/db/PlugInKit-Annotations unable to locate user container: error %llu 3kmXfug8VcxLI5yEmsqQKw %@: personaID: %@, isEnterprise: %s YES NO <PKDPlugInHold: %p; uuid = %@, client = %@, created = %f, EP = %@, blocking = %@> pkd per-connection queue for pid %d pkd per-connection queue for %s (%d) <PKDXpcClient: %p; con=%@ pid=%d path=%@> <PKDXpcClient: %p; NO CONNECTION> %d B16@?0@""8 potentially unexpected error from xpc: %{public}@ unexpected error from xpc: %{public}@ unexpected message: %{public}@ removal complete for %@ %@: requesting termination from launchd, version [%{public}@] %@: one or more plugins have been terminated %@: launchd reported no running plugins on record %@: launchd error attempting to terminate plugins: error=%d waiting for %d termination replies sending termination reply releasing plugin hold %{public}@ at client's request releasing plugin hold %{public}@ for dead client pid %d releasing plugin hold %{public}@ because server is stopping pkd is launching verbose option -v is ineffective; use log config --subsystem unable to construct server [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] rejecting; No bundle URL from LS. [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] could not get extensionPoint for proxy: %@ uuid=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ LSPlugInKitProxy [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] extensionPointPlatform == 0 [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] rejecting; Ignoring mis-configured plugin at [%{public}@]: %@ [d %@] [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] Created plugin [d %@] %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] Not issuing file extension registered as [.] because this is not an app extension; this is unusual. [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] failed to make mach extension for [%@]: %{darwin.errno}d [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] failed to make file extension for [%@] identified as [%@]: %{darwin.errno}d unrecognized match operator:%@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] evaluating NSExtension filter: %@ value: %@ discoveryUUID=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ uuid=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ identifier=%{private, signpost.description:attribute}@ discoveryUUID=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ uuid=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}@ identifier=%{private, signpost.description:attribute}@ success=%{public, signpost.description:attribute}d NSExtensionDiscoveryFilter [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] failed to create bundle for %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle failed for %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] Failed to get container path; error = %s [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] no data container [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] setting sandbox container to %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] no XPCService for plug-in; database returned %@ [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] assigning plug-in to [%@] sandbox [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] %s multi-instance [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] %s a system service [u %{public}@] [%@(%@)] persona

You’re repeatedly making similar posts, that is, a huge chunk of unformatted system log output with a general request for an explanation. Why are you doing this?

It’s unlikely that anyone will help you out here because a) your posts are formatted in a way that makes them very hard to read, b) you’re asking a very generic question which has no easy answer, and c) it’s not clear whether they’re on-topic for DevForums at all. Remember that DevForums is focused on code-level questions rather than the user-level behaviour of our systems.

If you have a code-level question, feel free to start a new thread with the details. For more advice on how to do that, see Quinn’s Top Ten DevForums Tips.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

@0day — I hope you are doing well and not discouraged and/or stifled by the lack of response on the one hand, or the chastising some of the most intelligent and well-versed members of this community do regarding asking open-ended questions (about obscure plugins and app extensions that from their titles alone seem like control mechanisms at best and secretly injected malware at worst).

There are times I have had similar responses here and in other forums for other platforms, and I have concerns regarding the demand to be narrowly specific about things that there is ostensibly no openly available information on —the kind one needs to evaluate these objects and drill down to the actual problems that they may or may not cause — with which people could make better judgments and have better understanding of the intent behind these types of coding. I wish I were smarter about all of this and better informed so that I could make more sound decisions about what answers to pursue and what is best left alone.

At least that’s what I’m assuming you are also trying to do. I don’t know how being earnest in such an attempt could be a malicious act towards the forum, but as I have said I don’t know much about much except for what I know about what I know. 😏

I’ve been cyber-stalked for 3 months now…I’ve been browsing these developer forums since they populate when searching coding terms that sound ominous. Especially after watching my iPhones,MBP,M1 Mac Mini being hacked in real time. Last wipe was all developer software that installed upon spoofed download of Intego antivirus software. Link from iCloud got redirected….as I found out after installation. Good luck to you.

Suspicious System Diagnosis