Xcode shows "the apple developer website is undergoing maintenance" message

I get "the apple developer website is undergoing maintenance" message when exporting project archive since yesterday, but if I go to developer.apple.com/system-status everything seems to be ok. Any of You is experiencing this problem too?


I have gotten this error constanlty the last 48 hours when running build scripts through fastlane.

I had this error too.

Xcode restart seemed to solve the issue for me.


Error message says to visit "developer.apple.com/system-status", but the page says all is fine.

Did try to restart and re-sign in to Xcode, but still not getting through... 😟

I'm seeing this too when trying to sign and app for deployment. I'm using Xcode, and I've tried restarting it. I started getting this on Sunday, and it went away on its own. Now, I can't get around it.

Getting the same issue right now. 'developer.apple.com/system-status' is all green but xcode is throwing:

The Apple Developer website is undergoing maintenance. For details, visit developer.apple.com/system-status.

For any deployment exports.

Still trying... *If* I can get through, the validation procedure ends with the following error message:

iTunes Store operation failed.

Unable to process app at this time due to a general error

How long before Apple offers some communication on this? 😕

It is not uncommon for the backend to be unreliable, but when they take the time to convey that message, it tends to be more of a full stop than just another blip.

The 'status' page tends to be eye-candy...operational theater that works to project an impression more than hard info, it seems.

Best anyone can do when these outages surface is to keep trying, clear Safari cache/cookies and be patient.

...Three days on and I still can't "Validation" to work (via Xcode "Validate" button), but I am able to skip that step and have uploaded to the App Store successfully.

Is there actually something wrong on Apple's end? I'm getting this message as well, but everything looks fine on developer.apple.com/system-status. Is the only "fix" to "Try again later?"

The "fix" for me was to try again later. I just got it to work. So, keep trying I guess? Maybe it will work, maybe it wont...

Good info - thanks for the update.


Very annoying problem. Experiencing it right now
Xcode shows "the apple developer website is undergoing maintenance" message