Cannot get rid of "Highlight" context menu item in PDFView

Hello. There is a "Highlight" context menu option that shows up when a user right-clicks some selected text in a PDF. There is no way to get rid of this menu item and clicking it does nothing. How do I get rid of it?

I tried overriding buildMenu(with builder: UIMenuBuilder) to remove it but that doesn't work. Help!

Hi, I'm also having the same issue, which is working fine iOS15 version, but not in the iOS16 version, UIMenuController (deprecated) instead UIEditMenuInteraction was introduced, but this is not covered all functionalities it seems.

I'm facing this issue as well.

@billybobyourmom Have you got any response from them?

I'm facing same issue.

Is there any update team?

Cannot get rid of "Highlight" context menu item in PDFView