A Peek Behind the NECP Curtain

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From time to time the subject of NECP grows up, both here on DevForums and when I’m responding DTS incidents. I’ve posted about this before but I wanted to collect those tidbits into single coherent post.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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A Peek Behind the NECP Curtain

NECP stands for Network Extension Control Protocol. It’s a subsystem within the macOS networking stack that control which programs have access to which network interfaces. It’s vitally important to the Network Extension subsystem, hence the name, but it’s used in many different places. Indeed, a very familiar example of its use is the Settings > Mobile Data [1] user interface on iOS.

NECP has no explicit API, although there are APIs that are offer some insight into its state. Continuing the Settings > Mobile Data example above, there is a little-known API, CTCellularData in the Core Telephony framework, that returns whether your app has access to WWAN.

Despite having no API, NECP is still relevant to developers. The Settings > Mobile Data example is one place where it affects app developers but it’s most important for Network Extension (NE) developers. A key use case for NECP is to prevent VPN loops. When starting an NE provider, the system configures the NECP policy for the NE provider’s process to prevent it from using a VPN interface. This means that you can safely open a network connection inside your VPN provider without having to worry about its traffic being accidentally routed back to you. This is why, for example, an NE packet tunnel provider can use any networking API it wants, including BSD Sockets, to run its connection without fear of creating a VPN loop [1].

One place that NECP shows up regularly is the system log. Next time you see a system log entry like this:

type: debug
time: 15:02:54.817903+0000
process: Mail
subsystem: com.apple.network
category: connection
message: nw_protocol_socket_set_necp_attributes [C723.1.1:1] setsockopt 39 SO_NECP_ATTRIBUTES

you’ll at least know what the necp means (-:

Finally, a lot of NECP infrastructure is in the Darwin open source. As with all things in Darwin, it’s fine to poke around and see how your favourite feature works, but do not incorporate any information you find into your product. Stuff you uncover by looking in Darwin is not considered API.

[1] Settings > Cellular Data if you speak American (-:

[2] Network Extension providers can call the createTCPConnection(to:enableTLS:tlsParameters:delegate:) method to create an NWTCPConnection that doesn’t run through the tunnel. You can use that if it’s convenient but you don’t need to use it.

A Peek Behind the NECP Curtain