How to show VoIP calls on Apple Watch (WatchOS9) with CallKit?


With the release of WatchOS9, support for CallKit was added for the Apple Watch.

As we are a VoIP telephony provider, we want to make it possible for our customers to answer or decline any incoming VoIP calls with their Apple Watch. Also, being able to manage an ongoing call would be the logical next step, similar to how one can handle native calls on the Apple Watch.

It's possible on the iPhone thanks to CallKit, however it is unclear what is necessary to enable this on the Apple Watch.

Are there any written requirements on how to make this possible? Do we need to create a separate Watch app? None of this is mentioned in the Developer documentation.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Yes, you would need to create an Apple Watch app and integrate it with CallKit framework in order to make and receive VoIP calls on the Watch. You may follow along this tutorial for how to create an watchOS app: Creating a watchOS App and check the sample code for CallKit integration with a watchOS app here: Making and Receiving VoIP Calls with CallKit

How to show VoIP calls on Apple Watch (WatchOS9) with CallKit?