How to Migrate Photo Project Extension to Another App

Hi there,

we have an app that is distributed both to the Mac App Store and direct downloads from our homepage. They have different bundle identifiers and a photo project extension:

  • App Store App:
  • App Store App Extension
  • Homepage App:
  • Homepage App Extension:

We no plan to discontinue the homepage version and want to migrate users' data to the App Store version. For the app itself, this is pretty easy and straight-forward:

  • establish one shared app group in both app
  • copy the data to the group's container
  • tell the user to use the App Store version from now on

However, we struggle to do something similar to the projects of the Photos extension. Once the user deletes the homepage version, all existing projects in are dead, no other extension can open them (since they are tied to the extension's bundle identifier). We cannot embed both extensions (of the homepage and the App Store version) in the (one and only) App Store version since an extension's bundle identifier must be the embedding's app bundle identifier plus something else which is not the case.

Is there any way, an extension would be allowed to

  • read the data of another extension of the same developer (team id)
  • an app could contain an extension that does not share the same bundle identifier prefix (again of the same team)

Or any other ideas?

Thank you very much