Unity IOS App Crash on multiple clicking of External Link

Issue: I have an app built on Unity for the IOS platform. The app has multiple external links. When I clicked them one by one then safari opens that link. I switch back to my app and again click the links. If I do this multiple times then my app crashes.

Context: The app was working totally fine when I have IOS version 15.4. I have done this step multiple times and in an extremely fast way but not a single time did I face a crash. But as soon I update the IOS version to 16.4 then crash starts to happen.

Build Environment: Unity: 2021.3.14f1 MacOS: 12.6.3 Xcode: 14.0.1 (14A400) IOS: 16.4

I would appreciate it if somebody take time from their busy schedule and help me out.

Hey, hope you're well.

Just wondering if you found a solution to this issue? I'm running into the same thing it seems, but as primarily an Android user, I'm reliant on my beta team for testing across various versions, and it's making it difficult to figure this one out.

If you had any clues or resolutions, I'd be super grateful to hear them.


Unity IOS App Crash on multiple clicking of External Link