Scrolling in Xcode crash

I have some code from a youtube video that I have completed before, but now when I scroll up, xCode crashes. I have a class with an enum. Sticky headers are there, then as i scroll down, the headers disappear. Then as a // MARK: comes up, we crash. I tried changing the MARK so that it was not bolded, but it still crashes. Is there a setting to disable sticky headers? This was happening in xCode 14.2, and i upgraded, to 14.3, and it went away for a while, but now the problem is back, well intermittently. I did a Clean Build Folder and a Clear All Issues. Still annoying.

I am having the same problem under very generic conditions, just a page full of retrieval functions from FIrebase

Confirmed that disabling header seems to work for me as well, in the sense that I have not (yet?) experienced a freeze since then. Usually Xcode was freezing for me 2 or 3 times per day in a similar way described in this post, all the time while scrolling up C++ code (containing many MARK) with the Magic Mouse, so finger crossed...

Nope. Even after disabling the headers, Xcode still does the same (freezes while scrolling code). This makes the code development a nightmare. I keep reporting to Apple the crashes but this has been going on for years, so I guess there is not and there will never be a solution. A code editor that crashes/freezes while scrolling the buffer simply fails the basics and is unacceptable. Apple should learn from Emacs, created in 1976, and since then working perfectly (does not "crash" while a developer types code). Time to move to VsCode.

Scrolling in Xcode crash