How long will it take to request Family Controls?

How long will it take to request Family Controls? I've been asking for two weeks and still haven't heard anything back from Apple

Hello TaoDu, I assume you mean the Family Controls entitlement?

If so, each entitlement has its own review process and timeline. Depending on the volume of requests, responses may take longer than expected. The team should contact you with further instructions if there are any issues with your request. Otherwise, you can expect to be notified when your request is approved or declined.

Follow up with your original entitlement request to determine its status, provide more information about why you need this entitlement, or to learn why you were not approved. Submit a new request only if you’re unable to follow up with the current one, but be aware doing so may delay your request further.


What is the process to follow up @Jason ?

@Jason We just received notice that our entitlement was not approved, however the email contained no details on why or what technicality was missing. What is the best way to find out these details? I already replied to the email of the non-approval, is there anything else we can do to help our team determine where to look to fix the issue? Thank you

How long will it take to request Family Controls?