iOS Anti-aliasing issue April 2023

We recently observed antialiasing issues on iOS devices since this week. Works fine on desktop and Android.

Refer to screenshots below.

Is there a specific flag we need to enable/disable to fix this?

we are using babylonjs as 3d renderer it work on webgl

Hello. I confirm webgl antialiasing is not working on iOS after recent update. I can reproduce an issue on Safari and Chrome browsers.

Webgl setup:

  • Three.js library,
  • WebGLRenderer { antialias: true }

The problem exists on following setup:

  • IPhone 12 mini,
  • iOS 16.4.1 (a),

The problem is not the case on:

  • iPhone 6s,
  • iOS 15.6

also been facing this issue in ios 16

iOS Anti-aliasing issue April 2023