How to recognize upgrade, downgrade, crossgrade in notification v1

assume that I have this 5 PRODUCT

  1. I purchase Weekly, then I switch to Monthly, it is upgrade, will receive INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL, indicate that new plan takes effect immediately.
  2. I purchase Yearly, then I switch to Monthly, it is downgrade, will receive DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREF, indicate that new plan takes effect at the next renewal.
  3. I purchase Quarterly, then I switch to Quarterly2, it is crossgrade, will receive INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL, indicate that new plan takes effect immediately; Because the subscriptions are the same duration.
  4. I purchase Quarterly, then I switch to Monthly, it is crossgrade, will receive DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREF, indicate that new plan takes effect at the next renewal; Because the durations are different.

So, if I receive INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL notification, how can I recognize it is upgrade, or crossgrade to same duration product. If I receive DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREF, how can I recognized it is downgrade, or crossgrade to different duration product.

Does anyone can help me, thanks so much!! Orz


I would recommend switching to V2 App Store Server Notifications, which have subtypes for DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREFERENCE, UPGRADE, DOWNGRADE, or omitted, for an upgrade, downgrade, or crossgrade respectively.

If you are using V1, you will need to determine what the last active transaction was, compare their product ids, and determine if it was an upgrade or crossgrade.

  • thanks for your reply, helps me a lot. But may I ask does there any api could return us the order of the product in subscription group?

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thanks for your reply, helps me a lot. But may I ask does there any api could return us the order of the product in subscription group?