XCode 14.3, issue with switching simulators

For some reason on certain XCode projects, I am able to switch to custom Simulators I have made (iPhone 12 with ios 15 or iPhone 14 with ios 16.2 ) however on others these custom devices don't even show up when I try and switch my simulator. On another XCode project where I am able to switch my device to my custom simulators, I ran into the issue of trying to switch to a default device with ios 16.4 however, it claimed my code which was available on ios 16 was not available on IOS 15, even though I switch my simulator to IOS 16.4. Has anyone had a similar bug?


I have a related issue which just drives me nuts:

For all my iOS projects only simulators running iOS 16.4 are listed as Run Destinations ... although I've installed the iOS 13 simulator and corresponding entries are listed under "Devices & Simulators". I've toggled "Show run destination" from "Automatic" to "Always" with no avail. Deployment target is e.g. iOS 13, and I'm running Xcode Version 14.3 (14E222b).

As a current bypass I'm booting up the simulator manually and install apps by "xcrun simctl install booted <path to signed .app>" to allow some basic testing, but that's no sustainable solution.

Any help is much appreciated! Mattes

  • I just installed Xcode and the iOS 13.7 simulator on my Intel Mac Mini: After switching the simulator to "show always" it can be selected as a Run Destination and works. Looks like these "older" simulators are not listed on Macs running with Apple Silicon, like my 14" MBP. I'd consider this a bug...

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