That she smells the steps used for image processing in create ML?

Hello, I am a student and I am doing a search for my thesis on create ML and shape recognition and image processing, so for this subject I want to find the details of the steps used in create ML for this, such as the techniques used for pre-processing, and the methods of extracting characteristics, and the filters applied, ect...

CreateML Documentation is a great place to start for this. There's two questions you've asked here:

  1. What techniques are used for data preprocessing?

There is a lot of information out there on this, and the amount of customization that you can do prior to ever training can be more intricate and time consuming than the training itself. One resource that may be helpful: this year's WWDC session on Machine Learning Enhancements in CreateML features newly released image augmentations specifically intended for this purpose, and may help you in your search.

  1. What is the step by step process for feature extraction and machine learning training for the purpose of image and shape recognition?

This article gives some detail on how this works, but focuses more on the implementation and less on the underlying nuts and bolts.

That she smells the steps used for image processing in create ML?