Whats the right way of manage signing with 3er party companies

I want to understand the right way to manage the signing of my apps when the development is done by a 3er party company.

I'm working in a company, we are not mobile developers, so we use 3er party agancies to develop the apps we need. Even if we are not a development company, we want to upload all the apps i our store. And we don't want to give full access to the 3er party companies.

I believe that the best option is give a limited development certificate to one develope of the 3er party companies to make the archive, generate a IPA file and send it to us. Then, whit the IPA file, we are going to re-sign the file with our "production certificates"

It this the right aproach? Could be done by any 3er party companies? Can I limitate even more the access to 3er party companies developers?


There’s no one Right Way™ to do this. Different teams use different approaches. The only thing that I absolutely recommend is that you ‘own’ your own developer account. I’ve seen folks run into irrecoverable problems when they don’t do that.

I believe that the best option is … generate a IPA file and send it to us.

If you’re using that general approach, don’t have them send you a .ipa. Rather, have them send you an Xcode archive (.xcarchive). With an Xcode archive you can use the Xcode organiser to re-sign and submit the app directly. With an .ipa you have to manually re-sign the product, which isn’t something directly supported by Apple tools.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Whats the right way of manage signing with 3er party companies