A book should be a Non-consumable, but how to do it?

Hello everyone,

Let's say I have a Books app with millions of books on sale at the same price. According to the Non-consumable definition, a book will not expire, so it should be Non-consumable. The problem is it is impossible to set millions of Non-consumables. But I can't use 1 Non-consumable product id for all of the books because a Non-consumable just can be purchased once.

So, how does everyone deal with this?


You can have thousands of IAPs, but not millions.

Are you talking about physical books?

You may support "virtual coins" as consumable type with which customer can purchase the books. Consumable in-app purchases are depleted as they’re used, and can be purchased again.

Please refer to this document https://developer.apple.com/app-store/business-models/ for more information. Thank you!