Xcode15 Beta1: Firebase iOS SDK: Unable to process Info.plist during build process #11400



  • Xcode version: Xcode15 Beta1
  • Firebase Component: Crashlytics
  • Installation method: Swift Package Manager (SPM)
  • Firebase SDK version: 10.4.0


During the build process of my iOS application, I encountered an error related to processing the Info.plist file.

Here is the error message: error: Info.plist Error Unable to process Info.plist at path /Users/...../Info.plist This could be a timing issue, make sure the Firebase run script build phase is the last build phase and no other scripts have moved RakutenIchiba.app from the location Xcode generated it. You can also add '$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(INFOPLIST_PATH)' as an "Input Files" dependency for your Firebase run script build phase.

Github Link: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/11400

Reproducing the issue

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [Add the steps you take to reproduce the issue. This could be setting up a new project, adding Firebase via SPM, adding a Run Script phase, etc.]

What I've tried

  • I've checked the order of Build Phases to make sure the Run Script phase for Firebase is the last phase.
  • I've verified the location and reference of the Info.plist file.
  • I've cleaned the project and cleared the derived data.
  • [Add any other troubleshooting steps you've tried.]

Despite these attempts, the issue persists. Any guidance or suggestions to resolve this would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Firebase SDK Version


Xcode Version

15.0 Beta1

Installation Method

Swift Package Manager

Firebase Product(s)


Targeted Platforms


Relevant Log Output

No response

after upgrading to Xcode 15, I had the same error when building. however, after checking my build phase, it turned out the run script was not the last step. so I move the run script to the bottom, then it compiles successfully. it might not suit your situation, post so it may be helpful for others.

Same here...

You save my day!! Drag and drop Crashlytics to bottom!

MAKE SURE 'Run Script' option is at the LAST POSITION in 'Build Phases' pane.

MAKE SURE 'Run Script' option is at the LAST POSITION in 'Build Phases' pane.

MAKE SURE 'Run Script' option is at the LAST POSITION in 'Build Phases' pane.

Xcode15 Beta1: Firebase iOS SDK: Unable to process Info.plist during build process #11400