Custom SF Symbols not visible in iOS 17 Beta

Hey there!

We use a lot of custom SFSymbols in our app. We found a bug in iOS 17 that images has wrong appearance. Sometimes there are shown only parts of their outline, some symbols are totally filled by system (blue) tint color, so they ignore the default color of resource and also ignoring .tintColor parameter.

But when we use default Apple SF Symbols they work correctly.

Everything works correctly in versions earlier iOS 17 so we want to know is it a bug or we do something wrong?

Example of usage SF in our workspace:

let image = UIImage(named: "*****_critical",
in: Bundle.main,
compatibleWith: nil)?.applyingSymbolConfiguration(UIImage.SymbolConfiguration.preferringMulticolor())
let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
imageView.tintColor = myColor



Not Actually. Fixed on lat iOS 17 Beta