How to install Xcode 15 beta

When I click the "Xcode 15 beta and Selected Platforms" button, in the download section, I get this Xcode_15_beta.xcdownloadmanifest file, but I don't get Xcode 15 itself. So what exactly I should do to install Xcode 15?

If you use Chrome, the browser may block to download multiple files. If so, a pop-up screen should be shown on the top left of the browser so you give permission. Or I think you could download multiple files by changing Chrome's settings.

I had the same problem and I solved it by unchecking iOS 17 beta, to first download the Xcode 15 beta and after running it, download the iOS 17 beta.

Ok, I figured it out.

If you just deselect anything but the Built-in macOS 14 Beta option, the Xcode_15_Beta.xip file will be actually downloaded. But you'll get with it an empty Xcode_15_beta.xcdownloadmanifest, which basically is a text file listed some additional installation, in my case iOS 17 Beta simulator. So, before the first launch, you can select the OS options you want and download it again. You'll get the right downloadmanifest file and archives with selected simulators.

A bit strange behavior, but it is what it is. I use Safary, btw.

Hello @sdvdzfvsdfbsdfb the behavior you described isn't the intended download behavior. Can you please file a feedback assistant and post the number here? Please include your browser version in the feedback assistant.

Thank you!

I have the same behaviour. Downloaded the 2nd time then Xcode appeared.

Same behavior. The workaround indicated by XSalvador works.

I filed to the feedback assistant: FB12399192

Safari Version 16.6 (18615.

Hi @Jean-Pierre_d_MA can you please to check to see that you've allowed multiple file downloads from the developer website in your browser setting? If you have not, please enable it and try downloading again? Can you please let me know the result to your test.

Same problem here with beta 3 2023-07-07, followed XSalvador's advice (thanks!) which worked.

Hi, I've just found a workaround to download all files in one go: you have to use safari tech preview and you have to uncheck macOS in order to download simulators and Xcode at the same time

C’est avec safari que l’on peut charger xcode 15 beta et tout se téléchargera.

How to install Xcode 15 beta