Error saving @Model with enum


I am trying to save an enum in my model with SwiftData but getting a weird error message I do not understand at the moment, and I am pretty sure I am missing something here.

public enum URLScheme: String, Codable {
  case https
  case http

public class MyModel {
  public var urlScheme: URLScheme

When I try to save the model I get the following error message in the console:

error: Row (pk = 1) for entity 'MyModel' is missing mandatory text data for property 'https'

I was wondering if I need to tell SwiftData how to save my enum ? My assumption was that I can save any enum if it conforms to Codable. Am I doing something wrong here or is this a beta bug ?

Thanks a lot for helping

I ran into the same thing and my guess is that it's a bug. (Filed as feedback FB12247784.) For the time being I worked around it by switching my enum's raw values from String to Int.

This is mentioned in the release notes of iOS 17:

Case value is not stored properly for a string rawvalue enumeration. (108634193)

Workaround: Don’t use a rawvalue with a string enum property.

I can also confirm it works now correctly :)

@alexanderwe Has anyone tried using enum inside the Query predicate? For me enum gets saved however doesn't work with Query Refer

Error saving @Model with enum