Sample Code - RoomPlan Improvements

I'm also looking for the sample code links. They were posted on June 6th but, the downloads to the code were empty.

These links appear to be working now, but I can't find a complete sample project that scans multiple rooms in a single AR session, beyond the code snippets provided in the presentation. I'm guessing that exercise was left for the student, but still it would have been nice to include multi-room scanning in the sample. The mergingmultiplescansintoasinglestructure sample only processes model files that are presumed to all have been captured in a single session. Or am I missing something?

Hi, for merging multiple scanning: and for the providing custom model for captured rooms: You use these links.

Hi, for merging multiple scanning: Merging and for the providing custom models for captured rooms: ProvidingCustomModels You use these links.

Sample Code - RoomPlan Improvements