Xcode 14.2 fails to install provisioning profiles on iPad OS 16.5

I have been making a game in Unity and been able to create builds successfully. I added the app tracking transparency compliance in my newest version, and made a new build in the same folder.

When I make a build in Xcode to the iPad, the build is successful but the Install Fails. I get this message:

A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
Domain: com.apple.dt.MobileDeviceErrorDomain
Code: -402620395

I have tried installing the profile manually through the Devices window, but it gives me this error: "Failed to install one more provisioning profiles on this device."

I have assigned the correct team and profile that corresponds with the right certificate. It was working on previous builds, but just started giving me this error in my newest build out of Unity.

My suspicion is that when the iPad iOS downloaded the update that day, my version of Xcode (14.2) isn't able to install provisioning profiles on it anymore. Because my build machine is old and the OS is Monterrey, I can't upgrade Xcode beyond 14.2. However, I have added the 16.4 and 16.5 device support folders which has allowed me to make builds successfully. The issue now is the profiles.

Here is what I have tried so far:

  • Deleting old certificates and making new ones
  • Making new Provisioning Profiles and double checking the device and capabilities are accurate
  • Turning On/Off automatic signing
  • Clean Build folder
  • Restart device, unpair, unplug, pair again
  • Make a new Build Project out of Unity
  • Making sure device is unlocked

I am now at my wits end and considering that I need to buy a new device in order to make a build.

Xcode 14.2 fails to install provisioning profiles on iPad OS 16.5