How to identify free trial subscription transaction

In the verifyReceipt API response, there is a "is_trial_period" field. As detailed in WWDC 2023 the verifyReceipt is deprecated, how to fetch the fact that the subscription is during the free trial period via recommended App Store server APIs?

Both the JWSRenewalInfoDecodedPayload and JWSTransactionDecodedPayload have an offerType field, which if it is set to 1 means the transaction/renewal will be an Introductory offer, and a free trial is a kind of introductory offer.

But, is there no way to distinguish between a free trial and a paid, reduced price introductory period for a subscription? The verifyReceipt API provided separate is_in_intro_offer_period and is_trial_period, which allowed our server to distinguish between these types of purchases, and now I see no way to do that without relying on some external information (such as maintaining a separate configuration on our server for what product_id correspond to either a free trial or intro price.

Is there any way to distinguish between a free trial and a non-free introductory price period with the App Store Server API?

We need this as well, any updates on this?

How to identify free trial subscription transaction