Access Vision Prescription metadata from HKSampleQueryDescription

I am attempting to query HealthKit for Vision Prescriptions.

The query below is able to return results back that I have saved to HealthKit, however, I am having trouble accessing the HKVisionPrescription metadata such as the HKGlassesLensSpecification for both the Right and Left Eye. I am only able to access properties like prescriptionType and dateIssued.

I created these record programmatically so I know the values I am looking for exist and I am able to confirm their existence in the Health app.

How can I modify this code so I can access the finer details of each prescription?

func getPrescriptions() async -> [HKVisionPrescription] {
        let datePredicate = HKQuery.predicateForSamples(withStart: start, end: end)

        // Predicate that matches vision prescriptions samples
        let predicate = HKSamplePredicate.visionPrescription(datePredicate)

        let descriptor = HKSampleQueryDescriptor(
            sortDescriptors: [],
            limit: 10)
        do {
            let results = try await descriptor.result(for: store)
            if results.isEmpty {
                await requestPermission()
                return []
            results.forEach { prescription in
                // How to access prescription metadata here?
            return results
        } catch {
            print("no error from query")
            return []