Build error: Error Domain=DVTDownloadableErrors Code=23 \\"'' is an unknown platform identifier

I am getting the following error while trying to build a project using xcodebuild command line. Please help

xcodebuild -workspace "EmptyWidgetWithStoryboard.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace" -scheme "EmptyWidgetWithStoryboard-Package" -destination "generic/platform=iOS" -configuration "Debug" -derivedDataPath "output/aws" clean GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='AWS_UI_TEST COCOAPODS=1 DEBUG=1 RUN_BUILDTIME_SCRIPTS=0 GPB_USE_PROTOBUF_FRAMEWORK_IMPORTS=1' ENABLE_BITCODE=NO build-for-testing | tee '/Users/ctobuilduser/Library/Logs/fastlane/xcbuild/2023-06-28/73329/xcodebuild.log' | xcpretty --color --simple' was 65 instead of 0. (FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneShellError) 2023-06-28 07:10:47.736 xcodebuild[73363:154164520] DVTDownloadable: Unexpected error attempting to parse downloadable from index: Error Domain=DVTDownloadableErrors Code=16 "Unable to read in downloadable data. See underlying errors for details." UserInfo={DownloadablePlist={ authentication = virtual; category = simulator; contentType = diskImage; dictionaryVersion = 2; fileSize = 7354535384; hostRequirements = { minHostVersion = "13.4"; minXcodeVersion = "15.0"; }; identifier = ""; name = "xrOS 1 beta Simulator Runtime"; platform = ""; simulatorVersion = { buildUpdate = 21N5165g; version = "1.0"; }; source = ""; version = ""; }, NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to read in downloadable data. See underlying errors for details., DVTUnderlyingErrorsKey=( "Error Domain=DVTDownloadableErrors Code=23 \"'' is an unknown platform identifier.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription='' is an unknown platform identifier.}" )}

I'm getting the same error and associated with irregular xcode behavior. Unsatisfiable variable name changes.

did you get it?

Same error

I had exactly this error, reproducible with every command line build or test run. The project was using Xcode 14.0. When I switched to 14.2, the issue is no longer reproducible.

same error

Build error: Error Domain=DVTDownloadableErrors Code=23 \\"'' is an unknown platform identifier