Ventura Model output worse than Monterey

We run a photogrammetry studio for shoes and since upgrading computers to Ventura, the quality of the models is gotten significantly worse in terms of correctness of UV, shape and smoothness. We still have a computer using Ventura that I will not upgrade until this is figured out. I've run the same sets of files on Ventura vs Monterey, using the same apps (tested on many, not just our main one) and it is a marked difference on certain shoes (ones with larger smooth areas?). I'm convinced it's something in the API since different apps produce very similar results. I've reached out to Apple as well as the main app developer, but haven't heard back. I'm curious if anyone else has seen this or been able to dig into the code a bit more. Obviously it's not great that software that was working really well has taken a step back on a new OS. TIA.

Ventura Model output worse than Monterey