Language Setting for Music App


I'm Korean, and the system language of macOS is in English because user directories such as Desktop and Document should be displayed in English.

As I use the system language in English, the singers and song names of the Korean songs of Apple Music are also displayed in English.

It is so confused to find the song in the App, or to talk about the song with other people.

I'm using Apple Music with my Korean account, and I'm also using the region of the system in Korea.

There is a function to customize language settings for the specific applications, so I tried to change the language setting of the Music App (specific app) to Korean.

In this case, Music Apps are displayed in Korean.

But the song information (singer, title) and various playlists are still displayed in English.

Many Korean users are suffered with this problem, so I think there should be some ways to see the information of Korean music sources in Korean in the Music App preferences, other than changing the system language of macOS and iOS.

Language Setting for Music App