Unable to properly attach to executable with lldb running under Rosetta

I'm trying to attach with lldb to a x64 process running under Rosetta, attachment itself succeeded but lldb is unable to load target neither it's modules.

And getting this output:

(lldb) process attach --pid 20586
Process 20586 stopped
* thread #1, stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
    frame #0: 0x00007ff813a1d1ee
->  0x7ff813a1d1ee: jae    0x7ff813a1d1f8
    0x7ff813a1d1f0: movq   %rax, %rdi
    0x7ff813a1d1f3: jmp    0x7ff813a18cdb
    0x7ff813a1d1f8: retq
Target 0: (No executable module.) stopped.
Architecture set to: x86_64-apple-macosx-.
(lldb) target modules list
error: the target has no associated executable images

A few weeks ago I had the same problem, but some combination of actions like rebuilding deleting and redownloading binaries and some other unknown magic fixed this behaviour. And today I stumbled upon this problem again, and same actions does not make any effect.

Attaching to process works in general (event to processes running under Rosetta), but this specific process I want to debug is causing troubles.

This is what successful attachment looks like:

(lldb) process attach --pid 20576
warning: libobjc.A.dylib is being read from process memory. This indicates that LLDB could not read from the host's in-memory shared cache. This will likely reduce debugging performance.

Process 20576 stopped
* thread #1, name = 'CrRendererMain', queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
    frame #0: 0x00007ff813a185b2 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg2_trap + 10
->  0x7ff813a185b2 <+10>: retq
    0x7ff813a185b3 <+11>: nop

    0x7ff813a185b4 <+0>:  movq   %rcx, %r10
    0x7ff813a185b7 <+3>:  movl   $0x1000030, %eax          ; imm = 0x1000030
Target 0: (Electron Helper (Renderer)) stopped.
Executable module set to "/Users/mb/work/positron/node_modules/electron/dist/Electron.app/Contents/Frameworks/Electron Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Electron Helper (Renderer)".
Architecture set to: x86_64-apple-macosx-.

To give a bit more context my MacOS version is 13.14.1 on MacBook Pro with M2 chip.

For some reason i'm unable to attach lldb log, so will add it as a link


Hello @Max619 can you please file a feedback assistant about not being able to attach a log? Please include screenshots and screen recordings when possible. We'd love to take a look at what's going on with attaching logs. Please add the FB number here

Unable to properly attach to executable with lldb running under Rosetta