Universal Link from HTML/JS

We have been testing universal links and detected the following: Assuming there is an HTML with embedded JS that redirects to the universal link.

**Direct redirection --> WORKS OK **

window.location.href = "https://my-universal-link?data=abc";

Redirection with timeOut or Interval --> NOT WORKING (go to default WEB)

setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = "https://my-universal-link?data=abc"; }, 2000);

setInterval(function () { window.location.href = "https://my-universal-link?data=abc"; }, 2000);

I could see that any type of delay greater than 500 ms makes the universal link not work. Any ideas?

I am experiencing a similar issue, if I try to open a a deeplink or universal link that takes more than 500ms after the click, nothing happens... Any workaroud?

facing a similar issue with PWA

Universal Link from HTML/JS