How can I set up a web application server using swifter?

I have an angular project that I want to deploy using swifter in swiftUI. I have tried the below code.

import Foundation
import Swifter

class WebServer {
    let server = HttpServer()
    let path: String

    init(path: String) {
        self.path = path
    func startServer() {
            if let webAppPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "index", ofType: "html", inDirectory: "fileDir") {

                // Serve the Flutter web build files
                server["/"] = shareFilesFromDirectory(webAppPath)
                server["/hello"] = { .ok(.htmlBody("You asked for \($0)"))  }

                do {
                    try server.start(8081)
                    print("Web server started on port 8081")
                } catch {
                    print("Failed to start the web server: \(error)")
            } else {
                print("Web app path not found.")
    func stopServer() {
        print("Web server stopped")

When trying this, web server is starting successfully, but when running baseUrl on localhost 8081, it gives 404. On "/hello", it does work correctly. I am sure all the files are there in the directory given in fileDir. Also I have tried running it using npm http-server, and it running correctly with it.

Can someone point out the issue here? Or point me to any github repo which is achieving same with maybe a different package

How can I set up a web application server using swifter?