New ColorResource and ImageResource not available in Swift package

I am looking to see if I can use the new feature that generates constants from my colors and image asset catalogs. It works easy-peaze in the main application, but when I try to use it inside a Swift Package that contains asset catalogs the constants are not being created.

Feature or Bug?

I noticed that if I attempt to do the same in a framework created via a Cocoapod it does work, at least inside that framework.

The bigger question I have is whether or not its possible to access the colors/images using the new syntax from a main project if the asset catalog exists in a framework / swift package?

I had a thought that maybe the new Settings such as ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GENERATE are not being inherited correctly from the project being built. So I then thought that I can add them manually to the Package.swift, but there does not appear to be "Asset Catalog Compiler" support - I do see C, CXX, Swift, and Linker support.

Update: Just grabbed Xcode 15 beta 5 and it does kind of work. I can at least get the asset symbols generated for the package, so UIColor(resource: .myblue) now works inside the package. I still cannot use UIColor.myblue from inside the package. Progress!

New ColorResource and ImageResource not available in Swift package